Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year!

Welcome, 2012! I think that was the fastest Christmas vacation I have ever experienced. I was thinking that having a month off between semesters would be a really long time, and I would get a lot of things accomplished on the home front. Well, that didn't work out as well as planned. I am still gimpy, so I spent the whole month with my foot in the air ordering everyone else around. That, however, was quite successful, and I have a nice clean closet and bedroom as a result. I went to the doctor yesterday, and he said I am allowed to bear weight on the left foot now. So I shouldn't have as much trouble getting around as I was having when I had to keep off. I still have the crutches, but they are mainly for balance rather than weight bearing. I can actually walk alright without them, but I keep them around in case I decide to face-plant.
I have been stalking all of my classes on CougarNet and CougarView to see if any of my instructors have posted their syllabus. For some reason, there are two areas that they can post their stuff. I don't understand why they maintain the two areas, but it seems the instructors are pretty much convinced that the one they use is the best. I personally prefer CougarView because it is more interactive than the static file-hosting feel of CougarNet. However, no one asks me what I think. I did find the American Government (POLS 1101) syllabus, and I printed it out for Monday's class. The instructor also posted the readings that are supposed to be completed before class, so I've started reading those. I have to admit that I am pretty dumb when it comes to politics. I hope I learn a lot in this class, and I really hope it's an atmosphere that encourages learning rather than belittling those who aren't as savvy. I am very conservative politically -- well I think I am -- but sometimes I get confused because I am not sure that the information I get is really trustworthy. It boils down to the fact that I am pro-life, and I overlook a lot of political stupidity to vote that conviction.  (This is a blog I wrote about feminism and what I think about it if you're interested --
I am a little (well, very) nervous about this next semester. I may have overextended myself a bit. I probably should have stuck with Orgo 2 with lab, Genetics with lab, Cell bio with lab, and political science. But I made that C in Chem 2 last summer, and it has been irritating me. CSU will replace the C if I re-take it and make a better grade, and I still have the digital book on rental for another semester, so I thought it would be a good time to add it on. I also added an honors organic gardening class. I figured that would be therapeutic since my course load is so crazy. I really hope I didn't overextend myself. I can always drop Chem 2 if necessary, but I am really hoping to knock that out and do better this time. That will restore my lovely unspotted 4.0.
I hope I'm not sounding like a snotty pre-med obsessing about course loads and grades and what-not. I tend to obsess about things -- usually unnecessarily. My friends always fuss that I whine about tests and grades and then it all works out. But I think sometimes it works out BECAUSE I obsess about it.
So while the month off from school was really nice, this last week has been REALLY boring, and I'm ready to get back to obsessing and studying and seeing all my school buddies. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself when I graduate. I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year, and I will see y'all real soon! Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe I (Malachi) can make your last few vacation days a bit more exciting for ya!! ;)
