Finals week is a nice distant memory. I'm going to assume that I didn't completely toast either of the two finals that I had to take, because I managed to pull off a 4.0 for fall semester. I was totally happy with that result! I was really sweating the orgo final, and I think the instructor took into account that I did work really hard even though most of my test scores weren't great. I am eternally grateful for such an awesome teacher.
On the Monday after my last final, I had surgery on my left foot. I can't put any weight on the foot until further notice, and I'm starting to get a little nervous about that because classes start back on 1/9. I'm hoping when I go back in to the doctor to get my stitches out that he puts me in some kind of walking cast. I have classes back to back on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8am to noon, and the last three are in three different buildings that are a little further away than I think I can walk in 10 minutes. I guess I'll beg my professors to forgive me if I don't make it on time for the first few weeks. I did contact the disabled services director at CSU, and she replied that since my "disability" will not last more than six months, they don't have to help me at all according to the ADA. It's nice to know that CSU will only accommodate you as far as the ADA forces them. Boo. I've pretty much learned that any help in place for disabled people is more geared towards those on wheels than those on crutches. The handicapped stall in bathrooms is ALWAYS the last one, and the thought of traversing a slippery tile floor on crutches for any more distance than is absolutely necessary is quite unnerving. Not to mention that walking on crutches wears me completely out. But I guess it's exercise, right? I really don't think I want to wheel around in my wheelchair on campus, but I am not sure I can crutch it for such long distances either. I'm just hoping I'm getting around better by then.
So my schedule next semester is NUTS. I'm retaking Chem 2 to replace the C I made the first time I took it. That's on MWF at 8am. At 9am is orgo 2, thankfully in the same room. Then at 10am, I have to be in Howard Hall for cellular biology, and then it's back to Jordan for genetics at 11. On Mondays I also have orgo 2 lab at 1, and then political science at 4:30 on Monday and Wednesday. Lab for genetics is on Wednesday at 1:30, and lab for cellular bio is Thursday at 9:30am. I don't have any classes on Tuesday, but I have to come on campus anyway for either AMSA or Tri-Beta. I'm a little worried about taking such a heavy load, and I'm prepared to unload chem 2 if it gets too heavy.
I've really enjoyed having a month off. I meant to keep up with orgo over the break so that I would be ahead, but so far I've been on complete brain break. I had the surgery on Dec 12, and I've been pretty much recovering from that and being useless. This week we're in Saint Augustine for our yearly family vacation. I love coming down here, there's lots to do and the weather is just fabulous. But I've been pretty much useless here too because I can't get around as well.
The osteopathic medical school in Dothan received their pre-accreditation a couple of weeks ago. They plan to break ground next month and be finished in time for the first class in fall 2013. It's looking like I'll be in the class of 2014 at this point. *fingers crossed* I'm just keeping an eye on everything going on down there. It's very exciting!
I guess that is everything for now. I'll try to be better about keeping up here. Ciao!
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