Saturday, September 24, 2011


I never know what the title should be on some of these entries. I put "Stuff" up there, hoping I'll be inspired by something I write and then change the title. We'll see what happens
The first organic chemistry test was great, he gave us some very good study tips, and I made a...

Wait for it...

ONE FREAKING HUNDRED. Yep. I was VERY shocked. I hope that I can keep it up. An A in orgo would just make my life.
I have to give credit to my professor. He is very thorough and takes as much time as we need to understand a concept. He told us that he goes to church and prays on Sunday about what to put on the test. He really wants us to learn, not just pass.
I applied for a Global Ambassador position at the Center for International Education, and I got it! I will be attending various informational events for Study Abroad, and maybe even giving presentations to students interested in studying abroad. We have so many great opportunities for studying abroad. You can read about my Bahamas study abroad trip at this Andros Blog link. So now I get to spend this semester and spring semester telling people about all the upcoming trips! I've got my eye on a trip to Oxford next summer. Hopefully it will work out.
I've been shadowing a local pediatrician at her office on Friday afternoons for a couple of months now. I really think pediatrics is where I'm leaning. I know my background is women's health, but I am pretty sure I don't want to be an OB/GYN. I'm hoping to get some more shadowing experience from other specialties. But I'm pretty sure I'm going to stick with family practice or pediatrics. I also think it would be cool to work at an urgent care clinic. I think that has something to do with me being ADD.
Working with the pediatrician has been interesting. Sometimes it's disappointing seeing things from her side. I've taken my kids to the doctor, and I wonder now what the doctor must have thought when he left the room after a visit. Now I have a front-row seat. Not to mention, this is Alabama. I used to think it was a stereotype that Alabama is backwards and weird. But after one chick shows up barefoot and soaking wet with her kid in nothing but a diaper, I had to think again. There are some crazy people in my town, and that is just one example. I could go on, but there is HIPAA. I'm having a blast, though. I am learning a lot about pediatrics, and so far I like it.
I guess this is a bit of a long post, I'll try to post more often so it won't be such an immense post. Until next time!

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